Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My most exciting sports event

I don't like football much, but I thought this moment was soooooo exciting!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We are still the champions!

We have been the champions of the world for half a year!
 Here's a challenge for you: try to sing the song without reading the lyrics. Just watch the video and sing along with Freddy Mercury and his band. Click here to start.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Here's the key to the cloze (=text with gaps to fill in) I gave you a couple of weeks ago, called "My love story". If you haven't done it yet, don't read it, scroll down the blog and test yourself first:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why are you wearing green today?

Watch this video about the GREENEST DAY, and write in "comments" what you understood from this video.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

 March 17th is a big day in Ireland. Do you want to find out why?
 Do this "treasure hunt" about St. Patrick's Day and learn all about it.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Film series in original version

The following films in original version are shown on Thursdays at 19:30 and  22:00 at Nueva Condomina. The tickets are only 4 Euros, and it's a great way to improve your English -and other languages- and to enjoy cinema to the fullest:

TETRO (Francis Ford Coppola)

La cinta blanca

Two Lovers

Capitalism: A Love Story

El concierto


London River

Friday, March 11, 2011

Listening: Moving out of your parents' home


Listen to this girl from Hong Kong talking about the "pros and cons" of living on your own. Read these sentences about what she says. THREE of them are false: which ones?

1. Living with your parents isn't common in Hong Kong when you've already found a good job.
2. One of the reasons why some young people don't move out is because they can't do the housework on their own.
3. Her parents think it is good for her to live alone.
4. She lives further away from work now.
5. She enjoys making her own decisions.
6. She had problems in the kitchen of her apartment.
7. Some of the bills she has to pay now include: the rent, phone and gas.
8. Tidying up the kitchen and cooking take her a long time every day.
9. All in all, we can say that she has adapted quite well to her new life by herself.

 Press "Read more" below to get the KEY TO THE EXERCISE:

St Patrick's Day is coming up!

My love story

Click on the image to download a cloze to put into practice your vocabulary related to love and relationships.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Superlative" accommodation

Publish a comment with a superlative adjective about this photo (about the tree-house, the landscape, etc). Eg: this is the most beautiful house in the world.

Practise the present perfect

Watch this video to practise the present perfect. After the introduction, you'll see a series of situations. After each situation, the narrator will ask you what the people have done. ANSWER THE QUESTION! After a few seconds they'll give you the right answer. They speak very slowly, because it's a video for beginners. But remember: in real life, we nearly always contract "have/has" in affirmative sentences. So, at least, the second time you watch it, try to do it that way.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Pick the right article of clothing

Click here to listen to an activity where you have to click on the article of clothing the man is describing.

Madonna's "TRUE BLUE". Sing along, now that you know the lyrics!

What do you think of her looks?